20 Woodlands Street 82,
Singapore 738507

+65 3157 1151


Fund Raising Overview

As a voluntary welfare organisation, the fund-raising arm of Man Fut Tong Nursing Home works tirelessly to raise funds to sustain our daily operations as well as to provide additional financial assistance, on top of government subsidies, to help the marginalised elderly who require our services.

We provide 24 hours holistic Residential Care programme, with a 232-bed capacity. To provide short term relief for caregivers, we have a Respite Care programme. Senior Care Centre Services and Day Care Services provide a structured programme aimed at maintaining and improving the quality of life of the elderly through exercise and social interactions.

Our Resident Welfare Fund is a special fund set up to provide financial aid to residents for services which are beneficial in improving their overall quality of life, promoting their health and physical and mental well-being.

These services include:

Traditional Chinese Medicine services offered by prevailing vendors.
Purchasing of medical assisted devices as prescribed by doctors.
Purchasing of custom-made dentures.
Payment of charges for last rites for marginalised families.

We aspire to carry on the legacy of our Late Founder, Venerable Ho Yuen Hoe, and we need your support and contribution to do so. Every donation makes a difference to our residents. For more information on our fund-raising efforts, please call Mr Andrew Loke on direct line 3157 1158 or email mft@mft.org.sg .

Your donation goes a long way in helping our residents.

Do visit here to donate to Man Fut Tong Nursing Home.

For Donations to other Old Folks Home and Nursing Homes, pls Click here

Donation In Kind

[Updated in May 2024]
Donation In Kind Needed. Donations are greatly appreciated.

dry ration

Dry Ration

  • Vegetarian A1 Soup Spices (1 Box 12 pkt)(480 grams) ~ A1 素肉骨茶袋(12 包一盒) 480克
  • A1 Soup Vegetarian Soup Spices ~ A1 素汤香料
  • AAA Hot Broad Pase (180 gram) ~ AAA 热酱
  • BABAS Cumin Powder ~ BABAS 茴香粉
  • BABAS Meat Curry Powder ~ BABAS 加里粉
  • BABAS Meat Turmeric Powder ~ BABAS 黄姜粉
  • Herbs Ah-Gong Bak Kut Teh ~ 祖传阿公药膳肉骨茶袋
  • Herbs Soup (40 grams) ~ 药善汤包 (40 克)
  • Hsin Kuang Four Divinity Soup Si Shen Tang (60 grams) ~ 四神汤包 (60 克)
  • Kenbo Nyonya Vegetarian Curry Powder (80 grams) ~ 娘惹加里粉 80 克
  • MAGGI Concentrated Vegetarian Stock (1200 grams) ~ Maggi 素浓速汤
  • MAGGI Vegetarian Mushroom Stock ~ Maggi 素食蘑菇汤
  • MAK NYONYA Vegetarian Curry Paste ~ Mak 娘惹素加里酱
  • PEACE Thai Tom Yum (350 grams) ~ 泰国 冬阴汤 (350 克)
  • Poloku Mushroom Seasoning Box (350 grams) ~ 波罗菇-香菇颗粒调味料
  • Pure White Pepper Powder ~ 白胡椒粉
  • Rendang Curry Paste (120 grams) ~ 任当加里及煮酱
  • Five Spices Powder ~ 五香粉
  • BIRD Custard Powder ~ 蛋黄粉
  • Black Beans ~ 黑豆
  • Black Glutinous Rice ~ 黑糯米
  • Black Sweet Rice Vinegar ~ 黑甜醋
  • CHINA Rock Honey Sugar ~ 中国冰糖
  • Cinammon Stick ~ 肉桂支
  • Dried Seaweed ~ 干紫菜
  • FLYING MAN Potato Strach (Windmill Powder) ~ 马铃薯淀粉 (风车牌)
  • Fried Peanut ~ 炒好的花生
  • Fry Powder ~ 瑞发牌-油炸粉
  • KARA Coconut Powder (500 ml) ~ Kara 牌椰浆
  • Red Beans ~ 红豆
  • Sesame Seeds ~ 芝麻
  • Star Anise ~ 八角
  • Peanut Powder ~ 花生粉
  • Chopped Peanuts ~ 花生碎
  • Sweet Potato flour ~ 蕃薯粉
  • Wolfberry (1 kg/packet) ~ 枸杞
  • Small Sago (1 kg) ~ 小沙谷米
  • Winter Noodles ~ 冬粉
  • Black Fungus (5 kg) ~ 黑木耳
  • Brown Sugar (10 kg) ~ 红糖
  • Tau Suan Yellow Beans (10 kg) ~ 豆算
  • Honey Rock Sugar ~ 蜜蜂糖
  • Khong Guan Cream Crackers Biscuit (300g) no sugar ~ 康元牌苏打饼 (300 克 )无糖
  • Toor Dhall 1 kg ~ 印度豆煮加里用

Wet Ration- Vegetables

  • Potatoes ( Usage 20 kg / week ) ~ 马铃薯
  • Ginger ~ 姜
  • Carrot ~ 红萝卜
  • Cabbage ~ 包菜
  • Sichuan Veggie ~ 四川菜
  • Old Ginger ~ 老姜
  • Lemon grass ~ 香茅
  • Fruits: banana, apple, water melon, honey dew, papaya, organge ~ 水果如:香蕉,苹果,西瓜,蜜瓜,木瓜,橙

Vegetarian Canned Food

  • AYAM BRAND Vegetarian Baked Beans ~ 公鸡牌斋黄豆
  • Button Mushroom ~ 蘑菇
  • Straw Mushroom ~ 草菇
  • Braised Peanuts ( 850 grams ) ~ 焖花生 ( 850 克)


  • Green Tea sachets in boxes ~ 绿茶袋
  • Coffee 3 in 1 or Café 21 (Low sugar) ~ 3合1咖啡或咖啡21 (低糖)
  • Kopi O ~ 咖啡乌
  • Milo refill pack. 1 kg ~ 美录 1 公斤装
  • Ensure Milk Powder ~ Ensure 奶粉
  • Glucerna Milk Feed ~ Glucerna 奶粉 ( 糖尿病用 )
  • Barley (Small) Holland ~ 荷兰薏米小粒
  • Carnation Evaporated Milk ~ 康乃馨淡奶
  • Dried Chrysanthemum ~ 干菊花
  • NESTUM Cereals (500 grams or 1 kg refillable packet) ~ Nestum 麦片 (500 克或1 公斤包装)
  • High Calcium Milk Powder Refillable Pack (1000 grams) ~ 高钙奶粉 1000 克包装
  • ANLENE High Calcium Milk Refillable Pack ~ 安宁高钙奶粉 包装
  • NESPRAY High Calcium Milk Refillable Pack ~ Nespray 高钙奶粉包装
  • Herbal Spice for Tea (70 grams) ~ 药膳茶袋
  • Ensure Powder (850 grams) ~ Ensure 奶粉 850 克装
  • Glucerna TC Vanilla (850 grams) ~ Glucerna TC 奶粉 vanilla flavour (糖尿病用)

Other Ration

  • Plum Sauce (5 litre) ~ 梅酱 5 公升装
  • Rendang Curry Paste (120 grams) ~ 任当加里酱
  • Soy Sauce Paste (4400ml) ~ 豆瓣酱
  • Soya Bean Preserved Paste ~ 豆瓣酱
  • Soya Sauce / Light soya Sauce (1600 ml) ~ 酱清/生抽
  • Sweet And Sour Chilli ~ 酸甜辣椒酱
  • TELLY MAYO Sos Salad Telly (230 ml) ~ 沙拉酱
  • Vegetarian Tomato Sauce (5 Litres – 5 kg) ~ 素番茄酱
  • Vegetarian Mushroom & Gluten in Sauce (210 grams) ~ 素蘑菇和面筋酱
  • Vegetarian Mushroom Oyster Sauce (1000 grams) ~ 素蘑菇耗油酱
  • Vegetarian Oyster Sauce ~ 素耗油
  • XO Sauce ( 380 grams ) ~ XO酱
  • Light Soya Sauce ~ 酱清
  • GILDA Tomato Paste ( 500 ml ) ~ GILDA 番茄膏
  • Mayonaisse ~ 美乃滋
  • TAIWAN Olive Vegetables ~ 台湾素橄榄
  • FISHWELL Preserved Sliced Vegetables ~ 腌制蔬菜片
  • Sesame Oil (5L / Bottle ) ~ 麻油
  • Cooking Oil ( 5 Litre ) ~ 食油
  • Bean Paste ( Red Cover )( 24 cans ) ~ 红色罐装豆瓣酱
  • Bean Paste ( Yellow Cover ) ( 24 cans ) ~ 黄色罐装豆瓣酱
  • Dark Sweet sauce ~ 黑甜酱

Other Items In Need

  • Kaya (36 cans) ~ 伽耶
  • Candied Dates ~ 蜜枣
  • Cream Crackers (to delete) ~ 苏打饼
  • Peanut Butter Spread (24 cans) ~ 花生酱 -(箱24 罐)
  • Butter/PLANTA Margarine ~ 牛油 或白兰她菜油
  • Black Currant Jam (4 cans) ~ 黑加仑酱
  • Tena proskinn slip maxi M (6 x 9s) ~ TENA diaper 纸尿片 中码
  • Tena proskin slip maxi L (6 x 9s) ~ TENA diaper 纸尿片 大码
  • Tena Value IP L (6 x 15s) ~ TENA diaper 日用纸尿片 大码
  • Tena value IP M (6x 15s) ~ TENA diaper 日用纸尿片 中码
  • Hospicare 40R Adult Body wipes ~ Hospicare 40R 成人摸身湿纸巾


As we cook every meal for our residents and clients, we are constantly in need of raw material supplies and dry rations. The general list is appended here. You may also call us to find out which of the food items are needed more urgently.

You may donate any items in the list in whatever quantity or amount you are comfortable with. We are grateful for your generosity and benevolence.

Getting There

By Public Transport:
The nearest MRT station is Woodlands MRT. Take bus feeder service number 911 from Berth 6 from Woodlands Bus Interchange. Alight at the Woodlands North Plaza Shopping Mall. Man Fut Tong Nursing Home is located at the rear of the Mall.

Approach to Nursing Home is from CTE to SLE and exit at Woodlands Ave 2.


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